Audience Quotes
Audience Quotes
"My first conscious thought about music was listening to the radio at about 2 or 3 yrs old and hearing a trad jazz piece and being aware that all these different instruments were playing different things at the same time and that somehow it all seemed to fit together and make sense. However I didn't go on to become a trad fan particularly. but when rock 'n' roll started a short while later I was hooked".
Howard Werth
I had played a variety of electric metal strung guitars up until I bought a nylon strung guitar for home use, as it was not going to annoy the neighbours so much as it was quieter, at which point I started to really like the feel of the guitar and really wished I could get an electric version, which didn't exist at that time, one day walking past the Baldwin piano shop in London there in the window was an electric nylon strung guitar, the first ever design which purportedly was a by product of the U.S space program, the rest is history ".
Howard Werth
"My first guitar was for my 10th birthday and was played every day from that day on it cost £3.50. I had a few lessons from a Swedish teacher after about 5 years of playing and he tought me some great techniques which have stayed with me. I don't read music it gives me a headache and spots in front of the eyes ".
Howard Werth