The Apex Theory Tour Dates
The Apex Theory Tour Dates
Sunday April 23rd @ the Henry Fonda Theater, Izabelles Scar 2006 - An Armenian Genocide Benefit
Sat. July 22nd, 2006 The Roxy Theater in Los Angeles..
November 11th at the Troubadour 9081 Santa Monica Blvd. in Hollywood.
Sat. Jan. 22nd - Slamdance Film Festival 2005 @ Brewvies Cinema Pub - SLC, UT
Sun. Jan. 23rd - Slamdance Film Festival 2005 @ Club Suede - Park City, UT
Wed. Jan 26th - w/ Dresden Dolls @ Velvet Jones � Santa Barbara, Ca
Sat. Feb. 5th - w/ Biblical Proof of UFOs / Nino Astronauta / Crypt Orchid @ Whisky A Go Go - Los Angeles, CA
Tues. Feb. 22 - GCC
Thurs. Feb. 24th On-Campus Show @ University of California, Los Angeles
Thur. March 3rd Montgomery World Plaza, Bakersfield, CA
Sat. March 5th Pink E's, Las Vegas Baby, Nevada
03/19/05 THE KEY CLUB Hollywood, CA
Monday April 4th at the Troubadour 9081 Santa Monica Blvd. in Hollywood.
Friday, April 8th 2005 Midnight Performance...@ The Good Hurt 12249 Venice Blvd.
Friday May 6th @ The Jumping Turtle San Marcos, CA 92069
Saturday May 7th 1954 E. University Tempe, AZ 85282
Fri. Sept. 9th @ the Echo... 1822 Sunset Blvd.