Agitpop Quotes
Agitpop Quotes
We were enamored with the idea and the origins of the word from the
Russian revolution and used the repetition and philosophy of pop culture within
our music.
John deVries
It has always been difficult to classify our music.
John deVries
Playing 200 some odd shows a year for eight years will take a toll on anyone,
especially in the US touring climate of the time. We were also writing and
recording for 11 years. Mark, Rick and myself had felt it was time for a change.
John deVries
The US underground music scene was in between the initial punk rock
emergence and pre “grunge” so in many ways it was a difficult time to be doing
anything outside the corporate norm musically. It was the Reagan era combined
with a vast sea of mediocrity in the music world. Our popularity was drawn
mainly from college radio and musicians along with hardcore audiophiles.
Touring in this time was essential to changing the idea of what popular music
was to become. We were happy to be a part of it.
John deVries