Agitation Free Quotes
Agitation Free Quotes
Around this period we had heard about a band from the north of Berlin who were playing under the same name, "Agitation". A fortuitous coincidence one night in Berlin's "Quasimodo" club provided a solution. It was pretty much a "test gig", so we were playing for free that evening. Underneath the name "Agitation", written in chalk on the Quasimodo's door, was scrawled word "FREE", meaning no cover charge. A splendid juxtaposition! - we decided then and there to change our name to "Agitation Free". The name-change spurred John L. on to (literally) new heights; he wasn't able to resist swinging from a ceiling lamp, which couldn't bear his weight and sent him crashing down on the table of a puzzled couple in an explosion of broken glass and beer. Of course, after that we were not allowed to show our faces in the Quasimodo for a long time!
People know me as a keyboard player, but I started my music education with the violin which I gave up for the trumpet. My mother is a violin player and plays in an orchestra. That's how I got started.
Christopher Franke
They singled out four or five composers. The pilot was done by Stuart Copeland. He didn't hit exactly what they expected, so they looked into a certain group of people who are known for their openness and certain experiments. I was the lucky chosen.
Christopher Franke
I need this acoustic dirt produced by live instruments and the ability to play so well between two semitones. All this micro-tonality and acoustic dirt is just something which is very refreshing. I like these noises a synthesizer sounds too clean. On the other hand the natural instruments have weaknesses like frequency range, dynamics, and control ability. Therefor I like to combine the best of the two worlds. Since music has been done and experimented over the last hundred years, the only new field I see takes man power to get to new sounds.
Christopher Franke