Aghora Quotes
Aghora Quotes
We started in 1995. It was really just me writing all the music and then getting the musicians to record for me. Then in 1997 it became more of a band and we started recording demos ("transitions 1997-99 demos available at We have had members come and go and in the last 10 years i have learned how to maximize band relations, organize things so they actualy become realities. A band is not easy to have. You have to really treat it like a family and structure it with foundations and focus so everyone stays interested.
"Formless" The album's titled is I believe derived from the different components involved in the sound of Aghora. There's no especific shape or sound to categorize us under a precise scope. There's much more to Aghora's entity, transforming into a void.
Aghora has made a huge impact on kids and bands that are expolring their own way of doing things and not doing what the "industry" thinks is correct.
I started taking voice and piano lessons when i was seven, & began taking music seriously when I was about twelve. I became interested in metal when I was thirteen.