Adenine Quotes
Adenine Quotes
We unfortunately have to post this news, Adenine is no more.
We tried our best to revive the band but Adenine will be "on hold" for undetermined period of time, we may work as a team again in the future, but right now nothing is planned for Adenine. Most of us have other projects. So we will be focusing on those, and we will make sure to let you all know about them. We wanna thank every and all of you who supported us in the past, we will be back with new music and projects soon enough! Till then take care!
Please acknowledge that the credits list inside the "Govern The Unaligned" CD sleeve wrongfully mentions Mathieu Gervais as the recording drummer - but the true name of the one who hammered down all those powercharged tracks is Mathieu Groulx, the one and only.
All apologies for the stupid mistake, Mathieu.